Presentation & Talk
Conference presentation
- 夏一巍, Routine activities and fraud re-victimization among older adults: Do types of routine activities matter? , 第十届数量法学年会, 2024, 长沙, 中国
- 夏一巍, 论老年群体中重复诈骗被害:程度、间隔与成因——兼论《反电信网络诈骗法》对被害人的阶段化保护, 第六届“迈向数据法学”研讨会, 2023,北京, 中国
- 夏一巍, 论老年群体中重复诈骗被害:程度、间隔与成因, 第二届“法大犯罪治理论坛”, 2023,北京, 中国
- Xia Yiwei, Understanding the Role of Substance Use in Problem Behavior Syndrome: A Network Approach, AASAR 9th Annual Meeting, 2023, MACAU, China
- 夏一巍, 诈骗被害的阶段性和方法性整合理论——来自全国代表性调查的证据, 2023年中国社会学年会犯罪社会学分会《中国式现代化进程中的犯罪发展新形态及治理论坛》, 2023,天津, 中国
- Xia Yiwei, Tradeoff between “Big Data” and “Small Data”: A Simulation Study on the Application of Sampling Technique in Empirical Legal Research, HKU Law School “Empirical Turn in Chinese Legal Research: Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions”, 2023, Hong Kong, China
- 夏一巍, The impact of lockdown on the calls for police service in China, 2022 ICSA Annual Conference, 2022, ZOOM
- 夏一巍, The impact of lockdown on the calls for police service in China, 北京师范大学珠海校区交叉学科前沿论坛, 2022,珠海,中国
- 夏一巍, “交叉感染”还是“人以群分”?——青少年网络越轨与同伴越轨的共演机制, 第八届栗林论坛, 2022,北京,中国
- 夏一巍 ,城乡差异、社区凝聚力与居民被害风险:基于 CLDS的实证研究, 2022年中国社会学年会犯罪社会学分会《中国社会发展新阶段与犯罪治理论坛》, 2022,厦门, 中国
- Xia Yiwei, Ma Zhihao & Wang Kangqing, General Strain Theory and Corruption among Grassroots Chinese Public Officials: A Mixed-method Study, The 1st ACCCJ Online Conference, 2021, ZOOM
- Xia Yiwei, Mengliang Dai & Rongxu Han, The Impact of COVID-19 on the 110 Calls for Police Service in China, The 11h annual meeting of Asian Criminological Society, The 1st ACCCJ Online Conference, 2021, ZOOM
- 夏一巍 ,一般紧张理论视野下的压力与基层公职人员腐败犯罪:多重中介效应的实证检验, 第五届中国法律实证研究年会, 2020,成都, 中国
- 夏一巍 & 辛晏毓,”大数据”还是”小数据”:实证法律研究的方法论困境及其解决方法, 第三届数据法学年会, 2019,南京, 中国
- 夏一巍, 广义膨胀离散模型(GIDM): 一种多峰离散分布的建模方式, 2019社会学年会《社会学定量研究前沿与交叉:案例、方法和前沿》分论坛,2019,云南,中国
- Xia Yiwei & Zhang Xiaohua, Evaluating the pre-sentence investigation report in Chinesejuvenile criminal system: A quasi-experiment Study, The 11h annual meeting of Asian Criminological Society, 2019, Cebu, Philippines
- Xia Yiwei, Cai Tianji & Li Fuming, Mapping the routine of Women trafficking: Evidence from Court, The 10h annual meeting of Asian Criminological Society, 2018, Penang, Malaysia
- Xia Yiwei, Cai Tianji, Effect of judge’s gender on rape sentencing: A data mining approach to analyze judgment documents, The 9h annual meeting of Asian Criminological Society, 2017, Cairns, Australia
- Xin Yanyu, Xia Yiwei, Cai Tianji, Paying money for freedom: effect of monetary compensation on traffic accident crime sentencing in China, The 9h annual meeting of Asian Criminological Society, 2017, Cairns, Australia
- Xia Yiwei, Cai Tianji, Spatial clustering and temporal variation in Sentencing: an analysis of the sentencing documents of traffic offense in China, The 8th annual meeting of Asian Criminological Society, 2015, Beijing, China
- Xia Yiwei, Cai Tianji, Estimating size of illicit drug users, 71st annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, 2015, Washington, DC, USA
- Xia Yiwei, Cai Tianji, Gene and Addiction: A GxE interaction model, 71st annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, 2015, Washington, DC, USA
- Cai Tianji, Xia Yiwei, Estimating size of illicit drug users in Macau, The 7th annual meeting of Asian Criminological Society, 2014, Hong Kong.
- Xia Yiwei, Cai Tianji, Xin Yanyu, Estimating size of illicit drug users: Does the effect of capture heterogeneity matter? The 6th annual meeting of the Asian Criminological Society, 2014, Osaka, Japan
Invited talk
- Xia Yiwei,2023-11-28, 论老年群体中重复诈骗被害:程度、间隔与成因, ZOOM, 上海政法学院刑事司法学院,
- Xia Yiwei,2023-10-27, Repeat fraud victimization in the elderly: Extent, Time courses, and risk factors, ZOOM, Department of Sociology, University of Macau
- 夏一巍,2023-5-26,中国犯罪被害调查的实现路径选择, 中国犯罪调查学术研讨会, 中国人民公安大学
- 夏一巍,王康庆,2023-4-14,廉洁文化建设:基层公职人员腐败犯罪实证分析——基于全国60所监狱的调查, 清廉工作坊(第八期), 中国政法大学
- 夏一巍,2022-12-17,犯罪学与刑事司法实证(量化)研究中的资料选择:以漏斗效应为视角, 北京大学法学院
- 夏一巍,2020-12-19,如何用裁判文书做社会科学研究?, 南京大学新闻传播学院
- 夏一巍,2018-6-14,法学实证研究设计与论文写作, 中国检察官学院广西分院
- 夏一巍,2018-12-11,中国拐卖妇女儿童的映射—法院判决的依据, 西南财经大学法学院