Professional activities
- Lifelong member, Asian Association of Substance Abuse Research
- Lifelong member, Asian Criminological Society
- Lifelong member, The Association of Chinese Criminology and Criminal Justice (ACCCJ)
- Member, Chinese Society of Research on Child Development
Journal Reviewer (in alphabetical): Asian Journal of Criminology (AJOC), BMC Psychology, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (BES), Children and Youth Services Review, Crime & Delinquency (CAD), Deviant Behavior, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Sociology, Globalization and Health, Health & Social Care in the Community (HSCC), Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (HSScomms), International Criminal Justice Review (ICJR), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), International Journal of Law Crime and Justice (IJLCJ), International Review of Law & Economics (IRLE), Journal of Adolescence, Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS), Journal of Contemporary China (JCC), Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Research in Adolescence, Law and Policy, PLOS ONE, Police Practice and Research (PPR), Policing: An International Journal, Sage Open,Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Social Science Research (SSR), The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 《社会》, 《浙江警官学院学报》,《湖湘法律评论》,《金融监管研究》.
- Editorial Board:
- BMC Public Health (SCI-E, JCR Q2 in Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, IF=3.5, JCR 2023), Member Editorial Board, 2024 -
- Journal of Research on Adolescence (SSCI, JCR Q1 2/66 in FAMILY STUDIES; 12/91 in PSYCHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENTAL , IF=4.60, JCR 2023), Consulting Editor, 2024 -
Honors and awards
- 第九届中国法律实证研究年会优秀成果奖,三等奖,2024
- 中国犯罪学学会2024年年会优秀论文,二等奖,2024
- 中国犯罪学学会2024年年会优秀论文(第三作者),三等奖,2024
- 新时代“枫桥经验”促进反家庭暴力公共安全治理研究征文,二等奖,2024
- 西南财经大学优秀教师, 2024
- 西南财经大学2024年度科研与社会服务优秀成果, 三等奖, 2024
- 新时代“枫桥经验”促进反家庭暴力公共安全治理研究征文,二等奖,2023
- 国家监察理论与实践优秀论文(第三作者),一等奖,2023
- 优秀共产党员,2021
- 西南财经大学法学院科研标兵,2020
- 第十六届中国青少年发展论坛,优秀论文三等奖,2020 (学生合作)
- 第十四届中国青少年发展论坛,优秀论文三等奖,2018
- 2018年全国药物滥用防治会议,青年优秀论文三等奖,2018
- 2015年全国药物滥用防治会议,青年优秀论文一等奖,2015
- Ph.D. scholarship, University of Macau, 2015
- Master scholarship, University of Macau, 2012
- Data processing:
- STATA, Excel, SAS, Nvivo,R,SPSS
- Modelling:
- SEM (Lisrel, Mplus), HLM (HLM 6), Meta-Analysis (MIX), SNS (UCINET)
- Survey imput:
- Remark Office OCR, EPIdata, Quatrics
- Database:
- Website Design:
- Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect
- Wordpress, jekyll
- Office and editting software:
- Office (MS office, MS publisher), Rmarkdown(Markdown), Latex
- Programming:
- C & C++ (NCRE 2)
- Stata command gidm for implementing generalized inflated discrete model, see here for further information.
- SAS certificate base/ADV Programmer
- Statement of Accomplishment with distinguish on Structural Equation Model and its Applications, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
- Coursera Specialization: Collect and analyze data, and communicate results, University of Michigan & University of Maryland
- Coursera Specialization: Master Software Development in R, Johns Hopkins University, Coursera
- Coursera Specialization: Mathematics for Machine Learning, Imperial College London, Coursera
- Applied Sociological Methodology (courses include: STATA, R, linear regression, categorical regression, generalized linear model, survival analysis, propensity score matching, etc.), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Nvivo Training Certification
Notes for future master students
一般来说,我会采取定期(通常为每1-2周一次)“组会”的方式来组织研究生。对于犯罪学而言,知识的载体更多的是论文,因此“组会”的组织形式可能更为适合。我非常认可“做中学(Learn by doing)”的学习方针,因此在研究生的第一年,我将与同学们“合作完成”一篇工作论文(working paper)。这篇论文的完成就代表了指导目标的完成。通过“组会”,我们可以将一篇论文的工作量分解为每周可完成的任务量。我期待在“组会”上能看到你对当前研究项目的进展(即使只有一点点也行)。如果条件允许,我鼓励同事们利用这篇工作论文参加各类学术会议或申报各类项目。考虑到这种指导方法非常费力,而且考虑到工作论文的合作者不宜过多,因此我可能对研究生的数量上限有要求(不然一篇文章作者人数过多)。
Notes for future PhD students
I firmly believe that doctoral education is, at its core, a process of cultivating future research collaborators. As my primary research areas lie in criminology and criminal justice, with a focus on publishing in international journals, I seek to train scholars who possess a global perspective and the ability to engage in meaningful international academic collaboration. Together, we can produce impactful research that contributes to global scholarship. Beyond the basic requirements set by the university, the following qualifications and skills will be particularly beneficial:
1. Academic Background
While the Law School specifies certain requirements for admissions, I particularly encourage applicants with a social science background, such as sociology, economics (or management), political science, or psychology. These disciplines often provide comprehensive training in social science theories and research methodologies. Applicants with a criminology or criminal justice background are especially well-suited for this program.
For information about my research interests and previous publications, please refer to the relevant sections on my personal website. While I encourage applications from candidates whose research interests align with my work, I also welcome applicants with their own unique academic directions. If you have a specific topic you are passionate about and believe it contributes to the broader fields of criminology and criminal justice, I would be happy to discuss and support your work.
2. Research Skills
Applicants with prior research experience or a publication record—particularly in quantitative research—will be given preference. Familiarity with quantitative research methodologies and proficiency in data analysis tools such as STATA, R, or Python is highly desirable. Applicants whose experience is limited to SPSS may find it challenging to meet the demands of quantitative research; however, those with experience in SPSS Syntax demonstrate foundational programming knowledge and are likely able to quickly learn other tools. Applicants specializing in qualitative research are also welcome, especially those with prior experience and publications in this area, though my ability to provide guidance in qualitative methods is more limited.
3. Language Proficiency
Strong English communication, reading, and writing skills—particularly academic writing—are essential. As the program aims to produce research for international criminology and criminal justice journals, a high level of proficiency in academic English is a critical requirement.
4. Other Qualities
Applicants should demonstrate a passion for academic research, a spirit of innovation, and strong abilities in teamwork and scholarly communication.
Application Materials
Interested applicants are invited to submit the following materials via email to xiayw@swufe.edu.cn with the subject line “PhD Application - [Your Name]”:
- A Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
- A research proposal (detailing research interests and future plans)
- A writing sample (such as a published paper or working paper, if available)
I look forward to receiving your application and embarking on an academic journey together!